Wednesday, June 3, 2015

June 3rd, 2015

I hope you will all forgive me. This post is short and I am sorry.

But after working 11 1/2 hours I found this on Facebook and it made the whole day worth it!

His eyes are even two different colors!

Just so you know, in real life his eyes aren't two different colors. When he was a kid someone jabbed him in the eye with a pencil and that eye's pupil is permanently dilated. I used to have a GIANT poster of him on my wall and I can say that since his eye was as big as my hand, that one pupil was definitely dilated.

Here's a fun fact you probably didn't guess: I LOVE DAVID BOWIE.

I am WAY to excited about this.... I am going to bed! Hope you have a great night!
(Tomorrow there will be flowers..... barring any crazy things happening.....)

Oh get your own paper doll here, you know you want to!

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