Saturday, October 17, 2015

October 17th, 2015

I guess they call Portland the Rose City for a reason..... there are still rose blooming now!

That is all of the loveliness in my blog today..... stop now or you will see a LARGE SPIDER. Not kidding it was huge!


I am pretty sure, 90% sure this is a Giant House Spider and not a Hobo Spider. I didn't get the chance to pick it up and look at it sternum, I am not an arachnologist, and I don't have a microscope so, I can't be 100% certain......

Joel in his infinite wisdom decided he wanted to poke the spider with a leaf stem. I told him not to do it, because the spider would probably run on to my foot. He poked it anyway, this caused the super fast spider to run UNDER MY ARCH. It was looking for a nice safe place to hide and under my foot looked pretty awesome. Here is the spider on my flipflop for a good size reference. Some how I got it off and didn't hurt the spider.

Inky comforted me.... I was pretty upset from Joel's betrayal....

Just kidding. It was pretty funny.

Hope you have a great night!

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