A Lego Harry Potter Adventure
(inspired by a photo my father posted today)
Hello! I am Lego Harry Potter!
I think I will go see what Hedwig is up to.
Oh no!! Hedwig!! Did you get into Hagrid's Magic Mushrooms?!
I guess I will have to go adventuring by myself today.... Fred and George stole my wand but they left me with this one:
fine print on wand: Wand of Opposites-- use with care |
I'm sure it will be fine.
Hey look! There is an adorable cat-squirrel!
I think I will shrink it so I can bring it home to Ginny. It is so adorable I know she will love it!
Ummmmm...... that did not go a expected:
(I think he got away.....)
Hope you have a great night!