Saturday, May 28, 2016

May 28th, 2016

Well hello, I know I have been out again. Sometimes life is hard sometimes. Not hard bad, just time consuming...

Today I got to take a breather and have some fun with these fine people!

Thanks for sticking with me. Sorry I a have been so lame lately. 
Have a good night!

Friday, May 13, 2016

May 13th, 2016

Okay, I know I have been slacking again.... I am sorry.... I have been working late and just, I guess being lazy about the things I love..... and having terrible work/life balance.

On the up-side I got my little camera back from the shop! It isn't dead!! Yay!! (The 50D went in for a spa day. I needs a good thorough clean.... since it hasn't been cleaning in the whole time I have owned it....)

AND MOM AND DAD are here to visit!!!!! Yay!!

Dad and I went on a little photo walk tonight. I used my PowerShot. (I need to learn how to use it correctly.... lol)

Oh and Inky is happy she has so many people around to pay attention to her! She is zonked out....

Have a great night!!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

May 7th, 2016

Yes, I am a slacker. I have been working lots so please forgive me. I do post a daily photo on my instagram: jessies6005 and Inky has her own account too: msinkyjones

I helped Sindy create a great piece of art for her mom, and my help, I mean, I said here is some stuff, go forth and make art.....

Inky came along to snoopervise


This is what I made!

um... so I didn't take a photo of myself.... but this happened the other day.... I don't think Marcus was impressed either,,,,,,,

Thursday, May 5, 2016

May 5th, 2016

One of my students gave me a rose as big as my head!

I am not kidding!!

Have a great night!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

May 3rd, 2016

Sorry again for the late post, yesterday was a day....

First, I found this kitty girl hanging out under cars in the parking lot at work. She is super friendly, but covered with fleas and scabs. I got her some flea control and scanned her microchip. I am currently trying to find where she belongs. Her microchip wasn't registered to her owners.

After I took care of Miss Kitty, my Mom and Dad called me to give me some very sad news. My first kitty, Pootie passed away last night. She had a mass in her chest and wasn't able to breathe. Mom and Dad took her right in to the vet. She passed peacefully there. Pootie lived with me for the first 7 years of her life, and her last 7 years with my mom. She had one of  the best cat lives ever.

Rest in Peace Schmoo.....

Monday, May 2, 2016

May 2nd, 2016

Nature seems to find a way. I found these little guys growing outside on the stairs by my apartment complex office.

I also have a lovely view outside my door.... If I use the right angle.

I also found this:

And the wind picked up right when I wanted to take this......

Thanks wind...... :(

I also have purchased Inky the weirdest food..... and she loves it.....

May 1st, 2016

I will be honest, I didn't post this yesterday out of shear laziness.....

It was nice to spend the day with Inky.

Have a great night!!!