Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!!

I bet you are expecting some great costume photos. Well, this year..... as for the last two years.... in fact all the Halloweens I have been in Seattle, is a dud. It is my favorite holiday and I am disappointed but, it is life and I can either be mad and upset or just roll with it. I am choosing to just roll with it and at least offer you some photos of Inky in her costume.

This is what Inky actually thought of wearing her hat.

Inky is very fond of candy.....

I did take a few photos on my way to work.... I really like this little dog.

This is the staircase I climb to go to work. I think the trees are creepy.

 And in case you were wondering this is the cone and the mattress live.

Cheers! Hope everyone has a great night!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

October 30th 2013

Plans don't always go as planned. I know that very well and today turned out to be one of those days where only half the day went right. But, we make the best of it and move on :)

Joel didn't know his schedule at work had been changed and was called in on our way home from the grocery store. We had planned on helping some friends move and going to the haunted house we have tickets for. Instead I cleaned the kitchen a bit and did a load of laundry.

I also make collard greens for the first time!

 Oops... got too close to the cooking greens :)

Collard greens are okay.... maybe I will try to make something else with them. I don't think the egg bake thing I made was that great.

While we were shopping I took these pictures:

 Giant pumpkins are so cool and weird.

And finally I would like to thank Costco for creating delicious, high calorie treats for almost no money!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

October 29th 2013

It was a frosty morning here today! 39 degrees when I walked to work.

 One photo of George in his bed.

 My self portrait tonight. Joel had a lovely warm milk bath waiting for me when I got home!

Last but not least, two random objects left out in the frost:

a matress

 a hoodie

Monday, October 28, 2013

October 28th 2013

My creativity and my body are pretty worn out today. I think staying up past my bedtime two nights in a row didn't help. But they were fun nights so it was worth it.

My coffee this afternoon was happy to see me!

 Inky enjoyed one of the last days of Seattle sun.

 George came by to inspect the cupboard. Very brave of him!

This was a tapestry hanging at The Taste of India where we had dinner. 

I always feel bad for the crabs at the grocery store.

 This is just creepy and weird.

 Don't mind the mess behind me.

 Finally in case you had any concerns your catnip wasn't potent enough......

Sunday, October 27, 2013

October 27th 2013

WARNING: There are more then 6 photos today.... many, many, more......

I had a great photo day. It actually could be separated out into two days! I spent the morning, in the pouring rain, at the Woodland Park Zoo. Today they gave the animals pumpkins as special Halloween treat.

I made a little bird friend, until the seeds were all gone.

One liked my photo buddy Lauren too...

Just four more from the zoo!!

After it stopped raining and the sun came out I did a cosplay shoot with Brittney and Alan. They are in their Steam Punk finest.

 This is their dog Feyd.

That was an amazing time at Gas Works Park!

After the shoot we had some dinner and we were greeted at the door by this fine lad.

If you look closely the Space Needle is behind me :)

Today was a busy day. I had a great time!  Most of these photos were taken with my 50D, the exceptions are the Jaguar cub, the peeing boy, and my self portrait, those were with my Elph. The photos of Brittney and Alan were barely edited using PhotoShop Elements 10.