Sunday, February 9, 2014

February 9th 2014

I guess I will have to jump on the Seattle snow bandwagon. It does help to have something different to take photos of every now and then.

Even Abby had fun in the snow today!

 I even saw this! I didn't know Seattle even had a snow plow! (we were moving in opposite directions sorry for the bad quality!)

I have been waiting to take some photos of a small bunch of crocuses I found.  I was going to photography them today any way. The snow just made it better.

Joel and I took a walk to the coffee shop that is near us.
at least he is wearing a coat....

 Along the way we found this casualty of the snow fall.
                                                                                                  I hope who ever hit it was okay......

 We went to Kaffeeklatsch, a German coffee shop on Lake City Way.

I had a Chai Latte

Joel has some hot chocolate.

 And we shared this!

 On the walk home I found some more flowers in the snow.

Before Joel went to work he helped me take these photos when we went to let Syd and Abby out.

That is the E from yesterday!! On a GIANT stuffy caterpillar!! It is the hugest stuffed animal ever, and we got it on sale for only $25. It is soft and wonderfully cuddly!

 On the way home I thought I would visit the crocuses and see how they looked now that the snow was melting.

It was nice to have a snow day when I wasn't working!

 Hope everyone stays warm!

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